Send a real card in your own handwriting

#28524 Sympathy (People) Card

Send this "Quote and Seas" Sympathy (People) card w/ your own handwriting by mail directly from Signed. No need to leave your house. Do it all online for $7.99!

See your own handwritten note in this card. It's cool and it's free!

Original design by
Stephanie Laird Photography

Created for you using high-quality paper and ink only in the USA
Card front says: I am a Part of the Seas I am part of the big and beautiful ocean, the waves and the tides, true life in motion. My soul is in the ever-changing seas, I am part of the mist that blows in the breeze. I am in the calm, I am part of the storm, I am in the sun-rays, so golden and warm. I am all around you, I am still here, when you feel alone, please know I am near. Love is eternal, a light that's not gone. In the stillness you 'll hear me, I'll whisper my song. When you feel the pain, because your heart grieves, please know I'm not lost, I am a part of the seas.
Card inside says: A soul so loved will always be a part of our hearts. With deepest sympathy,

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